design of staircase | Staircase design |steps design for house inside
Design of staircase | Staircase design | step design for house inside
Design of staircase
Here are some of the general guidelines to be considered while Design of staircase for residential as well as commercial
• Dimensions of tread and riser for all the parallel steps should be the same on all floors of a building.
• The minimum headroom above any step should be 2.1m for a normal Residential building
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• Minimum tread 300mm & riser 150mm
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Staircase design elements
The riser of the staircase is in the range of 160 and 220 mm. The lower the rise you choose, the deeper the tread to be. The normal rise is about 150 to 180 mm.
The headroom on the stairs must not be less than 2100 mm. The height is measured between two-floor level
standard handrails are made of stainless steel tubes of wooden handrails
Railing Height
The railing height is 900 mm-1100mm from the front edge of the tread.
Railing Loading
The railing is designed for a load of 1.0 kN/m of the handrail.
Stair tread Loading
The treads are designed for a uniformly distributed load of 6.0 kN/m2 or a spot load of 5.0 kN.