Convert Dhur to Square Feet | 1 Dhur is equal to square feet in Bihar land measurement | 1 Dhur is equal to how many Sq. feet


Convert Dhur to Square Feet | 1 Dhur is equal to square feet in Bihar land measurement | 1 Dhur is equal to how many Sq. feet



Convert Dhur to Square Feet | 1 Dhur is equal to square feet in Bihar land measurement | 1 Dhur is equal to how many Sq. feet     

1 Dhur is equal to how many Sq. feet:

1 Dhur is equal to square feet in Bihar land measurement, how many square feet in 1 dhur in Bihar, Bihar land measurement unit there is various types of measurement unit dhurki, dhur, Kattha, Bigha and acre are used.

Convert Dhur to Square Feet | 1 Dhur is equal to square feet in Bihar land measurement | 1 Dhur is equal to how many Sq. feet

Dhur is non standard land measurement unit used in various districts of Bihar Patna, Muzaffarpur, Motihari, Purnia, Chhapra Darbhanga, Sasaram and Aurangabad. Mostly Dhur is used in rural areas for land measurement by farmer for purchase and sale, in real estate Patna non standard unit is not used for land measurement.

Dimensions of Dhur
1 Dhur7.5625 sq yd
1 Dhur0.0284 ground
1 Dhur0.0016 Acre
1 Dhur0.0625 Guntha
1 Dhur68.0625 Sq ft


Smaller unit of land measurement in state bihar, Patna region used is dhurki, dhur and katha,bigger unit used is bigha and acre.

1 Dhur is equal to square feet in Bihar land measurement
Bihar Land measurement the smaller unit for land measurement used by farmer for purchase and sale in rural areas is dhurki and dhur.

1 Dhur in square feet in Bihar:- in Bihar, smaller unit for land measurement used by farmer for land purchase and sale in rural areas is Dhurki and Dhur, generally 1 Dhur is equal to 68.05 square feet or 7.5 square Gaj in Bihar.

Dhur into square feet conversion we use this formula, 1 Dhur is equal to 68.05 square foot or 7.5 Gaj.

1 dhur in gaj in Bihar:- 1 dhur is equal to 68.05 square feet, 1 gaj = 9 sq ft, dhur in gaj = 68.05/9 = 7.5, so 7.5 gaj in 1 dhur in Bihar.

1 dhur in square feet:-1 dhur is equal to 68.05 square feet or 7.5 gaj.

1 dhur in square feet in Bihar:-1 dhur is equal to 68.05 square feet or 7.5 gaj in Bihar.

2 dhur in square feet in Bihar:- we know 1 dhur is equal to 68.05 square feet or 7.5 gaj in Bihar, 2 dhur = 2× 68.05 = 136.10 sq ft, so 2 dhur is equal to 136.10 square feet or 15 gaj in Bihar.

3 dhur in square feet in Bihar:- we know 1 dhur is equal to 68.05 square feet or 7.5 gaj in Bihar, 3 dhur = 3× 68.05 = 204.15 sq ft, so 3 dhur is equal to 204.15 square feet or 22.68 gaj in Bihar.

4 dhur in square feet in Bihar:- we know 1 dhur is equal to 68.05 square feet or 7.5 gaj in Bihar, 4 dhur = 4× 68.05 = 272.2 sq ft, so 4 dhur is equal to 272.2 square feet or 30.24 gaj in Bihar.

5 dhur in square feet in Bihar:- we know 1 dhur is equal to 68.05 square feet or 7.5 gaj in Bihar, 5 dhur = 5× 68.05 = 340.25 sq ft, so 5 dhur is equal to 340.25 square feet or 37.80 gaj in Bihar.

6 dhur in square feet in Bihar:- we know 1 dhur is equal to 68.05 square feet or 7.5 gaj in Bihar, 6 dhur = 6× 68.05 = 408.3 sq ft, so 6 dhur is equal to 408.3 square feet or 45.36 gaj in Bihar.

7 dhur in square feet in Bihar:- we know 1 dhur is equal to 68.05 square feet or 7.5 gaj in Bihar, 7 dhur = 7 × 68.05 = 476.35 sq ft, so 7 dhur is equal to 476.35 square feet or 52.92 gaj in Bihar.

8 dhur in square feet in Bihar:- we know 1 dhur is equal to 68.05 square feet or 7.5 gaj in Bihar, 8 dhur = 8× 68.05 = 544.4 sq ft, so 8 dhur is equal to 544.4 square feet or 60.48 gaj in Bihar.

9 dhur in square feet in Bihar:- we know 1 dhur is equal to 68.05 square feet or 7.5 gaj in Bihar, 9 dhur = 9× 68.05 = 612.45 sq ft, so 9 dhur is equal to 612.45 square feet or 68.05 gaj in Bihar.

10 dhur in square feet in Bihar:- we know 1 dhur is equal to 68.05 square feet or 7.5 gaj in Bihar, 10 dhur = 10× 68.05 = 680.5 sq ft, so 10 dhur is equal to 680.5 square feet or 75.61 gaj in Bihar.

11 dhur in square feet in Bihar:- we know 1 dhur is equal to 68.05 square feet or 7.5 gaj in Bihar, 11 dhur = 11× 68.05 = 748.55 sq ft, so 11 dhur is equal to 748.55 square feet or 83.17 gaj in Bihar.

12 dhur in square feet in Bihar:- we know 1 dhur is equal to 68.05 square feet or 7.5 gaj in Bihar, 12 dhur = 12× 68.05 = 816.6 sq ft, so 12 dhur is equal to 816.6 square feet or 90.73 gaj in Bihar.

13 dhur in square feet in Bihar:- we know 1 dhur is equal to 68.05 square feet or 7.5 gaj in Bihar, 13 dhur = 13× 68.05 = 884.65 sq ft, so 13 dhur is equal to 884.65 square feet or 98.29 gaj in Bihar.

14 dhur in square feet in Bihar:- we know 1 dhur is equal to 68.05 square feet or 7.5 gaj in Bihar, 14 dhur = 14× 68.05 = 952.7 sq ft, so 14 dhur is equal to 952.7 square feet or 105.85 gaj in Bihar.

15 dhur in square feet in Bihar:- we know 1 dhur is equal to 68.05 square feet or 7.5 gaj in Bihar, 15 dhur = 15× 68.05 = 1020.75 sq ft, so 15 dhur is equal to 1020.75 square feet or 113.41 gaj in Bihar.

16 dhur in square feet in Bihar:- we know 1 dhur is equal to 68.05 square feet or 7.5 gaj in Bihar, 16 dhur = 16× 68.05 = 1088.8 sq ft, so 16 dhur is equal to 1088.8 square feet or 120.97 gaj in Bihar.

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_GENERAL STUDIES,3,Autocad,108,BANK,1,BOOK,58,brick,1,building material,4,Building Materials,1,cement,4,cement test,1,Civil,64,CIVIL ENG,93,CIVIL FACTS,1,CIVIL JOB VACANCY,79,COMMERCIAL,2,compresive strength,1,concrete,5,current affairs,4,E-BOOK,1,EAST,3,ELECTRICAL ENG,30,ENGINEER JOB VACANCY,163,ENGINEERING,53,ESTIMATION,15,EXAM NOTES,4,EXCEL,38,GOVT,45,HIGHWAY,2,HIGHWAY ENGINEERING,2,INTERVIEW QUESTION,3,JOB,128,JOB VACANCY,199,JOBS VACANCY,12,land measurement,1,MECH ENG,121,MECH RECRUITMENT,1,MEDICAL,3,NORTH FACING,2,notes,185,paint,5,POLICE,1,Private,12,Quiz,204,RCC,4,RESIDENTIAL,9,roof slab,3,SOFTWARE,5,soil mechanics,4,SOUTH,4,SPECIAL,3,STAAD,28,steel,2,Structural analysis,2,Structural drawing,36,tiles,2,weight of steel,1,
CIVIL WEBSITE: Convert Dhur to Square Feet | 1 Dhur is equal to square feet in Bihar land measurement | 1 Dhur is equal to how many Sq. feet
Convert Dhur to Square Feet | 1 Dhur is equal to square feet in Bihar land measurement | 1 Dhur is equal to how many Sq. feet
Convert Dhur to Square Feet | 1 Dhur is equal to square feet in Bihar land measurement | 1 Dhur is equal to how many Sq. feet
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